Legal Counsel
· You will provide legal advice related to the export credit insurance business and/or more general advice covering several areas of law with which Credendo is faced.
· You will be in contact with the management, colleagues from other operational departments (sales, risk underwriting, claims, and policy management) and the insured.
· Together with your colleague legal counsels and the compliance officer, you will follow Credendo's legal environment closely and provide related legal advice to the management.
· You will manage complex claim files by advising the operational departments, negotiating with the insured, contacting the debtors and brokers and by handling the complete administration follow-up.
· You have a Master's degree in law if possible supplemented with additional training in finance, business or international trade.
· You have minimum 2 years of experience as a lawyer (at the bar or as in-house legal counsel), preferably in the fields of commercial and/or financial law.
· You have excellent knowledge in Dutch and preferably good knowledge in French, with a very good oral and written proficiency in English.
· Knowledge of other languages is certainly a plus.
· You have good communication skills and find it easy to establish contacts.
· You are business-oriented and solution-minded.
· You are good at analysing and summarising information.
· You like working autonomously and yet also show team spirit.
· You handle stress well.
· You know how to work with standard MS Office tools.
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